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contoh kalimat on top

"on top" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • So we were up on top of our bunk beds.
    Jadi kami naik ke atas kasur.
  • Finland regularly comes out on top in math, science and reading.
    dalam matematika, sains, dan membaca.
  • Put your other hand on top, would you?
    Taruhlah tangan Anda yang satu lagi di atas.
  • It's not settled yet who'd come out on top.
    Anda tidak tahu siapa yang akan menang.
  • By that time, we have to be on top.
    Saat itu, kita harus sdh di atas.
  • I'm sitting up on top of this mountain, right?
    I'm duduk di atas gunung ini, kan?
  • The ventilator shafts on top of our block.
    Ya, ruang ventilasi, ada di atas blok kita.
  • Straight ahead, she's on top of that tower!
    Lurus didepan, dia ada di atas menara itu!
  • The Orpheum Theater stands right on top of it.
    The Orpheum Theater berdiri tepat di atasnya.
  • He dumped that desk on top of your head.
    Makanya dia buang mejanya di atas kepalamu.
  • You know the mansion on top of the mountain?
    Kau tahu rumah di puncak gunung ofthe?
  • And on top, a thin slice of melted cheese.
    Dan di atas, seiris tipis keju meleleh.
  • They`re building it on top of the particle emitter.
    Mereka `kembali membangun di atas partikel emitor.
  • They'll be on top of you any second.
    Mereka akan berada di atas Anda detik apapun.
  • I like it better when I'm on top.
    Aku lebih suka jika aku ada di atas.
  • We'll have our tree house on top of it!
    Kita harus rumah pohon kita di atasnya!
  • Twenty four hours water on top of it.
    Dan paling utama air tersedia selama 24 jam.
  • The whole city will be coming down on top of them.
    Seluruh kota akan mendatangi mereka.
  • Three million people on top of each other.
    Tiga juta orang di atas satu sama lain.
  • On top of that, the rudder's jammed.
    Dan yang lebih penting, Kemudinya macet. Bisa di potong.
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